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Living and loving life at sixteen. Although I’m grounded to my middle class suburban life, I dream of living in NYC. I like to imagine my closet is full of McQueen and Chanel instead of the random jumble of thrifted clothes. This blog is a vent for my overly creative, literary and fashion-loving soul.

My love of words started out quite early and it has been growing ever since. However a  personable, congenial, young lady I was, it became quite disconcerting for those around me to find my nose shoved in a book all the time. But they were all very sporting about it (except my sister who suggested I might die of paper cuts). Once I realized my love of words and everything fashion pointed to only one thing, I decided I had to make it big in the fashion media industry. And well, this is a start. Personal companions of a younger me altered between a pencil and a notebook, and a book. Occasionally my Debussy and Taylor Swift playing iPod. And I must say, they haven’t really changed.

I cannot live without my family (parents, sister, two cats and dog), friends, books (ranging from Lauren Conrad to PG Wodehouse), my iPhone, dark chocolates, peppermint tea, vintage dresses, vintage cars, Glee, my piano and my prized wardrobe.

And that is pretty much all about me…

If you’d like to chat or ask questions, feel free to contact me at

3 Comments leave one →
  1. lifewith4cats permalink
    March 7, 2011 10:37 pm

    I just dropped by for a visit. I like the elegence with which you present your subjects. And just now realized the significance of the blog title “through tinted glass” ahh very subtle and as always… elegant. Keep up the posting!

  2. Teju permalink
    March 11, 2011 10:40 pm

    I love it!
    You’re amazing! Keep writing,such a pleasure to read 🙂

  3. March 17, 2011 9:32 pm

    you remind me of me ..

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